Privacy Statement

Necessity for an employers organisation

It is widely acknowledged that collective bargaining lies at the heart of the South African labour relations system. It is therefore imperative that employers organise themselves into collective entities that can meaningfully participate in the collective bargaining process with organised labour. This is especially important where collective bargaining takes place at sectoral - or industry level. Businesses, from small to large enterprises, are increasingly faced with labour disputes, union demands for recognition and changes in the labour legislation which add increasing pressure on internal resources to adapt - this is where ABA can assist. 

The role of the Allied Business Association (ABA)

  • ABA serves as the collective entity of employers (businesses) and is therefore registered (in terms of the Labour Relations Act) as an Employers Organisation. Meaningful representation by employers can only take place if it is done on a collective basis.

  • ABA can represent its members in collective bargaining with Unions at Industry as well as at workplace level.

  • As an Employers Organisation, ABA has the legal standing to represent its members in litigation, for example at the CCMA or Bargaining Councils, should the need arise.

  • ABA fulfils another important role in that it can serve as the collective employers' voice in liaison with relevant Government Departments.

  • ABA can also represent its members in all labour relations related matters.

Management of ABA

ABA is managed by an Executive Committee and an appointed Executive Officer. The Executive Committee consists of elected members out of the various industries who ensure that a regional and industry focus is maintained.

Our Constitution and Registration
(downloadable .pdf documents)

Registration Certificate
ABA Footer
558 Keeshond St, Pretoria
012 361 4500